How to shred a folder?
- Install the package
. - Use the command
srm -r pathname
to remove your folder and files.
The default settings are for 38 (!!!) passes of overwrites which is extreme overkill imho (see more info about this here).
For my usage, I only want a single pass of random data so I use srm -rfll pathname
If you want to create a right-click option in the GUI for files and folders, use gnome-actions to call a script like this:
if dialog=`zenity --window-icon=warning --question --title="Secure Delete" --no-wrap --text="Are you sure you want to securely delete:\n\n $1\n\nand any other files and folders selected? File data will be overwritten and cannot be recovered."`
then /usr/bin/srm -fllrv "$@"| zenity --progress --pulsate --text="File deletion in progress..." --title="Secure Delete" --auto-close
If you want more paranoid settings be sure to modify the above script.
For files not directories, here's a more simple way instead of -exec shred -u {} \;
type of way:
cd to your directory.
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 shred -fuzv -n 48
this does 48 passes recursively to the current directory you cd
'ed into.
Hope this helps some.