How to skip a Codeception cest test
the method you are looking for is called "incomplete".
$scenario->incomplete('your message, why skipping');
If you want to use Scenarios in Cest files, you can get it with the second parameter of your test method:
class yourCest
public function yourTest(WebGuy $I, $scenario)
$scenario->incomplete('your message');
Or you can use $scenario->skip('your message')
class yourCest
public function yourTest(WebGuy $I, $scenario)
$scenario->skip('your message');
As already mentioned, the WebGuy is outdated and the annotations @skip
or @incomplete
are the way you should skip your tests in Cest files.
class yourCest
* @skip Skip message
public function yourTest(AcceptanceTester $I)
I use the skip
annotation for my unit tests.
* @skip
public function MyTest(UnitTester $I)