How to sort a string list alphabetically in Dart language?

  • Flutter is an application development SDK

  • Dart is a general-purpose programming language

  • Flutter application is written in Dart

  • so:

    How to sort A to Z in Flutter List< String > ?

  • Will be

    How to sort A to Z in Dart List< String > ?

  • A to Z : is called alphabetically so :

    How to sort alphabetically in Dart List< String > ?

  • List< String > : is a list of type string so

    How to sort alphabetically in Dart String List?

  • more

    How to sort a string list alphabetically in Dart language?


main() {
  List<String> _myBranchListName= ['k branch', 'a branch', 'f branch'];


  //[a branch, f branch, k branch]


I have a custom list with menas list contain class produt and product contain varable title and now i need to short my list based on title how to do it''' comment

  • base on sort method - List class - dart:core library - Dart API

sort method:

Sorts this list according to the order specified by the compare function.

The default List implementations use if compare is omitted.

A Comparator may compare objects as equal (return zero),

even if they are distinct objects. The sort function is

not guaranteed to be stable, so distinct objects that

compare as equal may occur in any order in the result

  • your code (Waring: i did not test this code i need your feedback):

produts.sort((a, b) => a.title.compareTo(b.title));

List Contains method called sort, that function will sort the list in alphabetical order (from a to z).

I created function for you to make the process more clear:

List<String> sort(List<String> _myBranchListName){    // This function take List of strings and return it organized alphabetically
 // List<String> _myBranchListName = ["B branch", "C branch" , "A branch"]; // example of input
  print(_myBranchListName);   // will show the result in the run log
  print(_myBranchListName);   // will show the result in the run log
  return _myBranchListName;

Technically you only need _myBranchListName.sort() to sort the array.