How to sort BindingList<T>?

Linq would work.

var sortedListInstance = new BindingList<MyClass>(unsortedListInstance.OrderBy(x => x.dt).ToList());

Keep in mind you get a shallow copy of the sorted list, not duplicate instances of MyClass.

Do not forget to include the namespace at the top of the code file System.Linq

A quick way to implement a Sort on a BindingList is to use the constructor that takes a backing IList< T > as its argument. You can use a List<T> as the backing and gain its Sort capabilities.

Per the documentation

Use this BindingList to create a BindingList that is backed by list, which ensures that changes to list are reflected in the BindingList.

If your MyClass was defined as:

internal class MyClass
    public MyClass(string name, Int32 num)
        this.Name = name;
        this.Num = num;
    public string Name {get; set;}
    public Int32 Num {get; set;}

then you could do something like this to sort it on the Num field.

private List<MyClass> backing;
private BindingList<MyClass> bl;

    private void InitializeBindingList()
            backing = new List<MyClass>();
            bl = new BindingList<MyClass>(backing);
            bl.Add(new MyClass("a", 32));
            bl.Add(new MyClass("b", 23));
            bl.Add(new MyClass("c", 11));
            bl.Add(new MyClass("d", 34));
            bl.Add(new MyClass("e", 53));

    private void SortBindingList()
            backing.Sort((MyClass X, MyClass Y) => X.Num.CompareTo(Y.Num));
            // tell the bindinglist to raise a list change event so that 
            // bound controls reflect the new item order

You need to call BindingList.ResetBindings method after sorting the backing list to notify any bound controls that the BindingList has changed and to update the control.


