How to specify that a parameter is a list of specific objects in Python docstrings

In comments section of PyCharm's manual there's a nice hint from developer:

#: :type: dict of (str, C)
#: :type: list of str

It works for me pretty well. Now it makes me wonder what's the best way to document parametrized classes in Python :).

As pointed out in the PyCharm docs, a (legacy, pre-PEP-484) way of doing this is using square brackets:

list[Foo]: List of Foo elements

dict[Foo, Bar]: Dict from Foo to Bar

list of str, as suggested in the accepted answer, does not work as expected in PyCharm.

Starting with Python 3.5 and the implementation of PEP-484, you can also use type hints, which may be nicely supported by your IDE/editor. How this is easily done in PyCharm is explained here.

In essence, to declare a list return type using type-hinting (Python >=3.5), you may do something like this:

from typing import List

Great foo function.

:rtype: list[str]
def foo() -> List[str]:
    return ['some string', 'some other string']

Here we declare (somewhat redundantly) that the function foo returns a list of strings, both in the type hint -> List[str] and in the docstring :rtype: list[str].

Other pre-declared types and more info can be found in the Python docs for typing.

in python

type([1,2,3]) == type(['a', 'b', 'c'])

you can also add a string to list of ints.

So for what you are trying to achieve PyCharm would have to magically check your whole code for what you are adding to the list before passing it as argument.

You can take a look at this question Python : define a list of a specific type of object

Array module however allows only 'basic values'.

Only solution i can think of here is to create your own class that extends python list "FoodsList" that can check for type before adding element.

class Food():
    def __init__(self, calories):
        self.calories = calories

class FoodsList(list):
    #you can optionally extend append method here to validate type

def eat(foods):
    :type foods: FoodsList
    energy = 0
    for food in foods:
        energy += food.calories
    return energy

list = FoodsList()
print eat(list)


