How to split window vertically in GNU Screen?

The latest version of GNU screen allows you split the window vertically without any external patches. Here is one way to get it and use it:

  1. Checkout/clone/download the source
  2. Build it in an easy sequence of ./, ./configure, make and install. I didn't have any problems with dependencies on Mountain Lion.
  3. To get a vertical split use:

    C-a |     // Create a split
    C-a <Tab> // Move to the split
    C-a c     // Create a new window within the split

I don't think this is a reason to switch to tmux any more like others have been suggesting.

Check out the video tutorial on Split Screen with Screen in Linux - BASH . At time 2:00 minute, there would be a solution.

Ctrl+A, S # Create another window

Ctrl+A, Tab # Moving from another window

Ctrl+A, c # Create new session

Ctrl+A, | # Splitting vertical (pipe symbol)

Ctrl+A, Shift+S # Splitting horizontal

Ctrl+A, X # Close a window

GNU Screen <4.01 may not support vertical split without a patch.
GNU Screen >4.01 supports vertical splitting.

The Patch is licensed under GPLv2. Some people say that the vertical split in GNU screen makes the application slow but I haven't tested. I use tmux (terminal multiplexer)


Gnu Screen