How to style text in hyperref \url?

Internally \url uses \UrlFont. You can change it with \urlstyle (see the documentation of url in url.sty) or by redefining \UrlFont:


Lala \url{}.

Lala \url{}.

Lala \url{}.

Use \href instead:


This takes two arguments: the first is the actual url, the second is the link text. The above code produces

Sample output

In my case I wanted to provide link colored in blue and to be clickable, also I wanted to display the url what I did what to setup a custom command my mixxing commands xcolor and hyperref packages:


So using the snippet:



    \item \textbf{Desktop APP}: \link{}
    \item \textbf{Android APP}: \link{}
    \item \textbf{iOS APP}: \link{}

I have the following result:

Sample Result