How to subscribe on the value changed control event of a UISwitch Using Rxswift

I found the answer Im looking for, in order to subscribe on and control event we should do the below :

@IBOutlet weak var mySwitch : UISwitch!

            .subscribe(onNext : { bool in
                // this is the value of mySwitch
            .disposed(by: disposeBag)

Below are some caveats you would use for UISwitch:

 1. Make sure the event subscribes to unique changes so use distinctUntilChanged
 2. Rigorous switching the switch can cause unexpected behavior so use debounce.


.isOn.changed //when state changed
.debounce(0.8, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance) //handle rigorous user switching
.distinctUntilChanged().asObservable() //take signal if state is different than before. This is optional depends on your use case
.subscribe(onNext:{[weak self] value in
            //your code
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)

There are couple of ways to do that. But this one is how I usually do it: Try this out.

self.mySwitch.rx.isOn.subscribe { isOn in
        }.disposed(by: self.disposeBag)

I hope this helps.


Another would be subscribing to the value rx property of the UISwitch, like so:

mySwitch.rx.value.subscribe { (isOn) in
        }.disposed(by: self.disposeBag)

Now, as for your comment:

this worked for me thanks , but I preferred subscribing on the control event it self, not the value.

We could do this below, I'm not sure though if there's a better way than this. Since UISwitch is a UIControl object, you can subscribe to its .valueChanged event, like so:

    mySwitch.rx.controlEvent([.valueChanged]).subscribe { _ in
        print("isOn? : \(mySwitch.isOn)")
        }.disposed(by: self.disposeBag)

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