How to subtract all rows in a dataframe with a row from another dataframe?

Pandas NDFrames generally try to perform operations on items with matching indices. df - df2 only performs subtraction on the first row, because the 0 indexed row is the only row with an index shared in common.

The operation you are looking for looks more like a NumPy array operation performed with "broadcasting":

In [21]: df.values-df2.values
array([[ 0,  8,  5, -1, -1],
       [-5, -1,  3, -3,  3],
       [-6,  4,  4, -2,  1]], dtype=int64)

To package the result in a DataFrame:

In [22]: pd.DataFrame(df.values-df2.values, columns=df.columns)
   a  b  c  d  e
0  0  8  5 -1 -1
1 -5 -1  3 -3  3
2 -6  4  4 -2  1

You can do this directly in pandas as well. (I used df2 = df.loc[[0]])

In [80]: df.sub(df2,fill_value=0)
   a  b  c  d  e
0  0  0  0  0  0
1  7  6  0  7  8
2  4  4  3  6  2

[3 rows x 5 columns]