How to subtract two equations?

This does not look very good but seems close to what your code is attempting to do, where I use \cline{} to draw the horizontal line, and \phantom{y=} to push the minus sign to the left

enter image description here

Recomended Solution:

However, I would suggest the use of \intertext or \shortintertext from the mathtools package, and refer to the equations:

enter image description here


  • Requires two runs: first run will display a (??) in the cross reference.
  • \shortintertext yields better spacing but requires an additional package. Alternatively, you can use \intertext which is available in amsmath.
  • The mathtools package already includes amsmath.



    y&=2x+5 \label{eqn:one}\\
    y&=3x+10 \label{eqn:two}\\
  \shortintertext{Subtracting \eqref{eqn:two} from \eqref{eqn:one} yields}
    0&=-x-5  \notag

My two-cents worth, using more of a textual representation and an array:

enter image description here

    && y & {}= 2x+5 \\
    \text{minus} && y & {}= 3x+10 \\ \cline{2-4}
    && 0 & {}= -x-5

The additional (second) column is to allow for the \cline to have a little padding around the equations. Modify \quad to \hspace{<len>} to have a gap of length <len> between "minus" and the equation.

Here is my solution: enter image description here




I use the alignat enviroment from amsmath