How to type this arrow in math mode?
No tikz across math styles.
\usebox{\wedgearrowbaseline}}{X}}} %stmaryrd
$K\wedgearrow L$
$\scriptstyle K\wedgearrow L$
$\scriptscriptstyle K\wedgearrow L$
Similar to Ahrtaler's answer, the difference being that it also cooperates with subscripts (and all math styles) and becomes bold if one is in bold mode. I recommend this thread for further reading.
\tikzset{wedge arrow/.style={->,line cap=round,line join=round}}
\tikz[baseline=-0.1ex]{\draw[line width={(1+0.33*\tmp)*0.06em},wedge arrow](0,0) -- (60:0.6em) -- ++ (-60:0.6em);}
\tikz[baseline=-0.1ex]{\draw[line width={(1+0.33*\tmp)*0.06em},wedge arrow](0,0) -- (60:0.6em) -- ++ (-60:0.6em);}
\tikz[baseline=-0.075ex]{\draw[line width={(1+0.33*\tmp)*0.045em},wedge arrow](0,0) -- (60:0.45em) -- ++(-60:0.45em);}
\tikz[baseline=-0.06ex]{\draw[line width={(1+0.33*\tmp)*0.035em},wedge arrow](0,0) -- (60:0.35em) -- ++ (-60:0.35em);}
$A\wedgearrow B_{C\wedgearrow D}$ {\Large $A\wedgearrow B_{C\wedgearrow D}$}
\boldmath$A\wedgearrow B_{C\wedgearrow D}$ {\Large $A\wedgearrow B_{C\wedgearrow D}$}
- added
at Eclipse Sun's suggestion. - Made the macro detect the font weight, too, so the arrow goes bold in
, just like the standard arrows. - Added round line caps and joins, motivated by Joey's comment.
I think you could do something like that:
\setlength{\textsize}{\f@size pt}
\resizebox {!} {\textsize} {
\draw[->, line width = 2pt] (0,0) -- (.5,1) -- (1,0);
Hi this \wedgearrow is a wedgearrow