How to update all columns that are NULL to empty string?
You can update multiple columns with one statement by doing something like this:
UPDATE table SET column1='', column2='', column3='' WHERE column1 IS NULL
HOWEVER thsi will only update based on the where clause.
For what you are trying to do, you'll need separate statements.
UPDATE table SET column1='' WHERE column1 IS NULL
UPDATE table SET column2='' WHERE column2 IS NULL
UPDATE table SET column3='' WHERE column3 IS NULL
EDIT Try this:
UPDATE table SET column1= IfNull(column1,''), column2= IfNull(column2,'') , column3= IfNull(column3,'')
You can update a column to itself and check for null there...
column1 = ISNULL(column1,''),
column2 = ISNULL(column2,''),
column3 = ISNULL(column3,'')
No WHERE clause needed because you want it to run on all records.
Actually you can do something like this
DECLARE @sql varchar(max)=''
select @sql= @sql+''+ + '= CASE WHEN ''=''''THEN NULL ELSE '' end,
from sys.tables t
JOIN sys.columns c
ON t.object_id = c.object_id
WHERE t.object_id = 1045578763 -- Your object_id table
SET '+@sql