How to use Biber with BibLaTeX from the command line

Your problem is named in this line in your .blg file:

[779]> WARN - Warning: Found biblatex control file version 2.6,
      expected version 2.7 you have biblatex, version, but you need version 2.7. 

Biber and biblatex depends on each other. That means a special Biber version needs a special biblatex version to run. This message comes up if only one part of biber and biblatex is updated, not both.

That's the reason I asked you: Have you only installed MikTeX? Please run the MiKTeX package manager and install all updateable packages.

A new installed MiKTeX is based of the database for the installer program. Later changes of MiKTeX packages are not known by the installer program. That's the reason the best way to install a new MiKTeX version is:

  1. run the MiKTeX installer (I personaly prefer the complete net installer, but that is your choice, of course),
  2. reboot after finishing installing (Windows: sure is sure)
  3. run MikteX package manager to check for new packages (since the installer was build) and install them. I would reboot again afterwards.


