How to use pipe in ts not HTML

import pipe in the component

import { PipeName } from './pipename'

include it in the provides

    selector: 'pipe-using-component',
    templateUrl: './pipe-using-component.html',
    providers: [

inject it in the constructor

export class PipeUsingComponent {
  constructor(private pipeName: PipeName)

   var requiredResult = this.pipeName.transform(passvalue);

If Pipename is your custom pipe then if you want to use the same in your ts file then you can use below code

import {Pipename} from './pipename';

Pipename.prototype.transform(arguments);//this is how u can use your custom pipe

In your .ts

import {YourPipe} from '/pipePath';

let value = new YourPipe().transform(param);

First import your pipe in component. And then use your pipe in your component. Like this..


 * filter checkbox list
@Pipe({ name: 'filter', pure: true })
export class FilterPipe{
  transform(items: any[], args: any): any {
    let filter = args.toString();
    if(filter !== undefined && filter.length !== null){
        if(filter.length === 0 || items.length ===0){
            return items;
            return filter ? items.filter(item=> item.title.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(filter) != -1) : items;

component.ts (Use in your typescript code)

const filterPipe = new FilterPipe();
const fiteredArr = filterPipe.transform(chkArray,txtSearch);

xyz.html (Use in your html file)

    <li *ngFor="todo for todos | filter:'txtsearch'"> {{}} </li>