How to use PyPy on Windows?

Maybe I'm not following what you're trying to do, but isn't it just a question of opening a command prompt and running pypy myscriptname ? Assuming you've got all the paths for PyPy and your script straight, anyway (e.g. your script's in PyPy's folder).

I'm a noob and was totally confused as well so here's what I did in case it helps someone. I guess this is so basic that pypy doesn't mention it.

  1. Download the appropriate file based on your OS:

  2. unzip/uncompress/unpack/extract to any directory eg: C:\

  3. navigate to the directory in windows explorer and copy the path, eg: C:\pypy-2.5.0-win32

  4. control panel>system>advanced system settings>environment variables

  5. in the first box, select PATH

  6. click edit

  7. You'll see a bunch of paths. Don't alter any of them. Move the cursor to the very end.

  8. type a semicolon: ;

  9. paste your path after the semicolon you just added to the end of the long list of paths eg: ;C:\pypy-2.5.0-win32

Note! The command will be the filename of the launcher name -.exe If your launcher is pypy3.exe, then the command will be pypy3.

If the filename is python.exe, then your command will be python and so on.

For pypy3 the default launcher is pypy3.exe

  1. close all the system setting boxes and exit shell if it's open

  2. open shell

  3. navigate to directory where your .py file is located

  4. type: pypy

Now you can run your code with pypy instead of python.


