How to use shell to derive an IPv6 address from a MAC address?
If you want to create a whole IPv6 address from a MAC (and a given prefix), you could use the excellent ipv6calc
tool by Peter Bieringer.
The following command creates a link-local IPv6 address (fe80::
prefix) from a MAC address:
$ ipv6calc --action prefixmac2ipv6 --in prefix+mac --out ipv6addr fe80:: 00:21:5b:f7:25:1b
You can leave most of the options away and let the command guess what to do:
$ ipv6calc --in prefix+mac fe80:: 00:21:5b:f7:25:1b
No action type specified, try autodetection...found type: prefixmac2ipv6
For Debian distros, ipv6calc
is in the main repository.
From the IPv6 Wikipedia entry a more textual description:
A 64-bit interface identifier is most commonly derived from its 48-bit MAC address.
A MAC address 00:0C:29:0C:47:D5 is turned into a 64-bit EUI-64 by inserting FF:FE in the middle: 00:0C:29:FF:FE:0C:47:D5.
So replacing the third :
with :FF:FE:
should do the trick:
echo 00:0C:29:0C:47:D5 | sed s/:/:FF:FE:/3
No idea if that syntax is specific to GNU sed.
Work in progress:
Convert that to bits:
for HEX in $(tr ":" " " <<< 00:0C:29:FF:FE:0C:47:D5)
printf "%08d " $(bc <<< "ibase=16;obase=2;$HEX")
should result in the bits 00000000 00001100 00101001 11111111 11111110 00001100 01000111 11010101
leaving only the flipping of bit number 7.
#! /usr/bin/env python
import sys
n=[int(x, 16) for x in sys.argv[1].split(":")]
print "fe80::%02x%02x:%02xff:fe%02x:%02x%02x" % tuple([n[0]^2]+n[1:])