How to validate (check) a biblatex .bib file?

To validate my .bib files, I put together a Python script called Biblatex Checker.

It checks for missing fields, provides suggestions for common mistakes when using biblatex and identifies duplicate IDs.

It's based on BibTeX Check by Fabian Beck, which can be used for BibTeX files.

I use jabref. Install jabref, set it to biblatex mode. To do this go to OptionsPreferences. In the window that opens, selectAdvanced and check BibLaTeX mode as shown below.

enter image description here

Then open your .bib file using jabref. Select the entries to be cleaned up. Under Tools menu, select cleanup entries. This window opens:

enter image description here

Now you know what to do :)

For duplicate keys, simply go to ToolsAutogenerate BibTeX keys. It will rewrite the duplicate key with some other name.


Run latex and bibtex and then look into the logfile of the bibtex run (<filename>.blg). It has all warnings.