HTML Agility pack - parsing tables
The most simple what I've found to get the XPath for a particular Element is to install FireBug extension for Firefox go to the site/webpage press F12 to bring up firebug; right select and right click the element on the page that you want to query and select "Inspect Element" Firebug will select the element in its IDE then right click the Element in Firebug and choose "Copy XPath" this function will give you the exact XPath Query you need to get the element you want using HTML Agility Library.
How about something like: Using HTML Agility Pack
HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
doc.LoadHtml(@"<html><body><p><table id=""foo""><tr><th>hello</th></tr><tr><td>world</td></tr></table></body></html>");
foreach (HtmlNode table in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table")) {
Console.WriteLine("Found: " + table.Id);
foreach (HtmlNode row in table.SelectNodes("tr")) {
foreach (HtmlNode cell in row.SelectNodes("th|td")) {
Console.WriteLine("cell: " + cell.InnerText);
Note that you can make it prettier with LINQ-to-Objects if you want:
var query = from table in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table").Cast<HtmlNode>()
from row in table.SelectNodes("tr").Cast<HtmlNode>()
from cell in row.SelectNodes("th|td").Cast<HtmlNode>()
select new {Table = table.Id, CellText = cell.InnerText};
foreach(var cell in query) {
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", cell.Table, cell.CellText);
I know this is a pretty old question but this was my solution that helped with visualizing the table so you can create a class structure. This is also using the HTML Agility Pack
HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
doc.LoadHtml(@"<html><body><p><table id=""foo""><tr><th>hello</th></tr><tr><td>world</td></tr></table></body></html>");
var table = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//table");
var tableRows = table.SelectNodes("tr");
var columns = tableRows[0].SelectNodes("th/text()");
for (int i = 1; i < tableRows.Count; i++)
for (int e = 0; e < columns.Count; e++)
var value = tableRows[i].SelectSingleNode($"td[{e + 1}]");
Console.Write(columns[e].InnerText + ":" + value.InnerText);