HTML multiple file upload from different folders

How about this?

The solution uses HTML, jQuery/Javascript, and PHP (for server-side handling of this data). The idea is: 1.) HTML Form: Includes one "browse" button that allows the user to select multiple files (within one directory). 2.) jQuery: The option to create a new button in the form that allows users to select multiple files (within a different directory -- or even the same one actually!), with the ability to create new buttons "infinitely". 3.) PHP: As a bonus, I put some thought into packaging the data nicely for server-side handling.

Here is what the HTML form could look like (I used a found-icon for the clickable object, but you can easily replace it with a graphic of your choosing).

<form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" enctype='multipart/form-data'>
    Select files: <br/>
    <input type='file' name='files0[]' id="files0" multiple><br/><br/><br/>
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">Click "+" for more files
    <i id="more_files" class="general foundicon-plus" style="color: blue;cursor: pointer;"></i></span>
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">

Here is the jQuery/Javascript to create a new "browse" button once the event is triggered (this even places it after the LAST "browse" button!):

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
    $(document).on('click','#more_files', function() {
        var numOfInputs = 1;
        while($('#files'+numOfInputs).length) { numOfInputs++; }//once this loop breaks, numOfInputs is greater than the # of browse buttons

        $("<input type='file' multiple/>")
            .attr("id", "files"+numOfInputs)
            .attr("name", "files"+numOfInputs+"[]")

    //vanilla javascript version
    var location = document.getElementById("fileBrowsers");
    var br = document.createElement("BR");
    var input = document.createElement("input");
    input.type = "file"; = "files"+numOfInputs+"[]";
   = "files"+numOfInputs;
            input.multiple = true;


Finally, and possibly most important, how to wrap up the data on the server in a familiar format:

if(isset($_POST['submit']) && !empty($_FILES)) {
    $files = array();
    $files = $_FILES['files0'];
    //var_dump($files);//this array will match the structure of $_FILES['browser']
    //Iterate through each browser button
    $browserIterator = 1;
    while(isset($_FILES['files'.$browserIterator])) {
        //Files have same attribute structure, so grab each attribute and append data for each attribute from each file
        foreach($_FILES['files'.$browserIterator] as $attr => $values) {//get each attribute
            foreach($_FILES['files'.$browserIterator][$attr] as $fileValue) {//get each value from attribute
                $files[$attr][] = $fileValue;//append value
    //Use $files like you would use $_FILES['browser'] -- It is as though all files came from one browser button!
    $fileIterator = 0;
    while($fileIterator < count($files['name'])) {
        echo $files['name'][$fileIterator]."<br/>";

Update Note: jQuery script and vanilla Javascript accomplish the same goal. I ran into an issue that required the vanilla version. You only need one of them.

No, you can't. This is a behaviour defined by the operating systems and may vary between them. You can't control these things precisly and you will always fear what happen.

If the amount of folders people have to choose is quite small you could offer multiple upload fields.



