HTML Scraping in Php

I would also recommend 'Simple HTML DOM Parser.' It is a good option particularly if your familiar with jQuery or JavaScript selectors then you will find yourself at home.

I have even blogged about it in the past.

If the page you're scraping is valid X(HT)ML, then any of PHP's built-in XML parsers will do.

I haven't had much success with PHP libraries for scraping. If you're adventurous though, you can try simplehtmldom. I'd recommend Hpricot for Ruby or Beautiful Soup for Python, which are both excellent parsers for HTML.

I had some fun working with htmlSQL, which is not so much a high end solution, but really simple to work with.

I would recomend PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser after you have scraped the HTML from the page. It supports invalid HTML, and provides a very easy way to handle HTML elements.