HTML5 audio start over

The simplest solution is to just reset the audio currentTime and ensure it's playing using the play() method. Checking if the audio is playing is not necessary as subsequent play() invocations will not do anything.

audio.currentTime = 0;;

This is the code I've been using and it's working for me:

            if(audioSupport.duration > 0 && !audioSupport.paused){

                //already playing
                audioSupport.currentTime = 0;


                //not playing



I noticed that on Firefox, playing a sound again and again really fast (like a short ticking sound) will skip beats often. The best solution I got was to simply call cloneNode and play each sound that way. Its not perfect (compared to Chrome where it sounds flawless):

var audio = document.getElementById('myaudio');
setInterval(function() {
}, 100);