Humanized or natural number sorting of mixed word-and-number strings

Adding this answer late because it looked like everyone else was unwrapping into arrays or some such. Seemed excessive.

CREATE FUNCTION rr(text,int) RETURNS text AS $$
SELECT regexp_replace(
    regexp_replace($1, '[0-9]+', repeat('0',$2) || '\&', 'g'), 
    '[0-9]*([0-9]{' || $2 || '})', 
$$ LANGUAGE sql;

SELECT t,rr(t,9) FROM mixed ORDER BY t;
      t       |             rr              
 AAA02free    | AAA000000002free
 AAA10bob     | AAA000000010bob
 AAA2bbb03boo | AAA000000002bbb000000003boo
 AAA2bbb3baa  | AAA000000002bbb000000003baa
 AAA2fred     | AAA000000002fred
(5 rows)

(reverse-i-search)`OD': SELECT crypt('richpass','$2$08$aJ9ko0uKa^C1krIbdValZ.dUH8D0R0dj8mqte0Xw2FjImP5B86ugC');
richardh=> SELECT t,rr(t,9) FROM mixed ORDER BY rr(t,9);
      t       |             rr              
 AAA2bbb3baa  | AAA000000002bbb000000003baa
 AAA2bbb03boo | AAA000000002bbb000000003boo
 AAA2fred     | AAA000000002fred
 AAA02free    | AAA000000002free
 AAA10bob     | AAA000000010bob
(5 rows)

I'm not claiming two regexps are the most efficient way to do this, but rr() is immutable (for fixed length) so you can index it. Oh - this is 9.1

Of course, with plperl you could just evaluate the replacement to pad/trim it in one go. But then with perl you've always got just-one-more-option (TM) than any other approach :-)

I faced this same problem, and I wanted to wrap the solution in a function so I could re-use it easily. I created the following function to achieve a 'human style' sort order in Postgres.

  RETURNS text[] AS
  /* Split the input text into contiguous chunks where no numbers appear,
     and contiguous chunks of only numbers. For the numbers, add leading 
     zeros to 20 digits, so we can use one text array, but sort the 
     numbers as if they were big integers.

       For example, human_sort('Run 12 Miles') gives
            {'Run ', '00000000000000000012', ' Miles'}
  select array_agg(
      when a.match_array[1]::text is not null 
        then a.match_array[1]::text         
      else lpad(a.match_array[2]::text, 20::int, '0'::text)::text                                      
    from (
      select regexp_matches(
        case when $1 = '' then null else $1 end, E'(\\D+)|(\\d+)', 'g'
      ) AS match_array      
    ) AS a  

tested to work on Postgres 8.3.18 and 9.3.5

  • No recursion, should be faster than recursive solutions
  • Can be used in just the order by clause, don't have to deal with primary key or ctid
  • Works for any select (don't even need a PK or ctid)
  • Simpler than some other solutions, should be easier to extend and maintain
  • Suitable for use in a functional index to improve performance
  • Works on Postgres v8.3 or higher
  • Allows an unlimited number of text/number alternations in the input
  • Uses just one regex, should be faster than versions with multiple regexes
  • Numbers longer than 20 digits are ordered by their first 20 digits

Here's an example usage:

select * from (values 
  ('Books 1', 9),
  ('Book 20 Chapter 1', 8),
  ('Book 3 Suffix 1', 7),
  ('Book 3 Chapter 20', 6),
  ('Book 3 Chapter 2', 5),
  ('Book 3 Chapter 1', 4),
  ('Book 1 Chapter 20', 3),
  ('Book 1 Chapter 3', 2),
  ('Book 1 Chapter 1', 1),
  ('', 0),
  (null::text, 0)
) as a(name, sort)
order by human_sort(
|name               |  sort |
|                   |   0   |
|                   |   0   |
|Book 1 Chapter 1   |   1   |
|Book 1 Chapter 3   |   2   |
|Book 1 Chapter 20  |   3   |
|Book 3 Chapter 1   |   4   |
|Book 3 Chapter 2   |   5   |
|Book 3 Chapter 20  |   6   |
|Book 3 Suffix 1    |   7   |
|Book 20 Chapter 1  |   8   |
|Books 1            |   9   |

Building on your test data, but this works with arbitrary data. This works with any number of elements in the string.

Register a composite type made up of one text and one integer value once per database. I call it ai:

CREATE TYPE ai AS (a text, i int);

The trick is to form an array of ai from each value in the column.

regexp_matches() with the pattern (\D*)(\d*) and the g option returns one row for every combination of letters and numbers. Plus one irrelevant dangling row with two empty strings '{"",""}' Filtering or suppressing it would just add cost. Aggregate this into an array, after replacing empty strings ('') with 0 in the integer component (as '' cannot be cast to integer).

NULL values sort first - or you have to special case them - or use the whole shebang in a STRICT function like @Craig proposes.

Postgres 9.4 or later

FROM   alnum
                FROM regexp_matches(data, '(\D*)(\d*)', 'g') x)
        , data;

db<>fiddle here

Postgres 9.1 (original answer)

Tested with PostgreSQL 9.1.5, where regexp_replace() had a slightly different behavior.

    SELECT ctid, data, regexp_matches(data, '(\D*)(\d*)', 'g') AS x
    FROM   alnum
    ) x
GROUP  BY ctid, data   -- ctid as stand-in for a missing pk
ORDER  BY regexp_replace (left(data, 1), '[0-9]', '0')
        , array_agg(ROW(x[1], CASE x[2] WHEN '' THEN '0' ELSE x[2] END)::ai)
        , data         -- for special case of trailing 0

Add regexp_replace (left(data, 1), '[1-9]', '0') as first ORDER BY item to take care of leading digits and empty strings.

If special characters like {}()"', can occur, you'd have to escape those accordingly.
@Craig's suggestion to use a ROW expression takes care of that.

BTW, this won't execute in sqlfiddle, but it does in my db cluster. JDBC is not up to it. sqlfiddle complains:

Method org.postgresql.jdbc3.Jdbc3Array.getArrayImpl(long,int,Map) is not yet implemented.

This has since been fixed:!17/fad6e/1