Identifying rows and columns of a matrix that satisfy a specific feature

One possibility is:

z = Position[mat, {0 ..}];
c = Position[Transpose@mat, {0 ..}];

Delete[Transpose@Delete[mat // Transpose, c], z]

An alternative is:

Select[Transpose[Select[mat, Not[And @@ PossibleZeroQ[#]] &]], 
  Not[And @@ PossibleZeroQ[#]] &] // Transpose

nonzerorows = Flatten @ Position[mat, Except @ {0 ..}, 1, Heads -> False]
{1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15}
nonzerocols = Flatten @ Position[Transpose @ mat, Except @ {0 ..}, 1, Heads -> False]
{1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15}
mat1 = mat[[nonzerorows, nonzerocols]];

mat1 // MatrixForm

enter image description here

{zerorows, zerocols} = MapThread[Complement[Range @ # @ Dimensions[mat], #2] &, 
  {{First, Last}, {nonzerorows, nonzerocols}}]
 {{4, 8, 12, 16}, {4, 8, 12, 16}}
mat2 = DeleteCases[{}] @ ReplacePart[mat, 
   {Alternatives @@ zerorows, _} | {_, Alternatives @@ zerocols} -> Nothing];

mat2 == mat1

You can get the final matrix directly using

mat3 = Nest[DeleteCases[{0 ..}] @* Transpose, mat, 2]

mat3 == mat1

A row of all zeros also sums to zero... so you can apply Total to sum the elements of each row and then select the positions that are zero:

Position[Total[mat], _?((# == 0) &)]

{{4}, {8}, {12}, {16}}

If you just want the row numbers, you can Flatten. For columns, do the same thing to the transpose of mat. If your matrix has both positive and negative entries, apply Abs to mat.