"Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted)” Problem with foreach

It doesn't really make sense to do myyellow!420: all values from 100 on will produce the same color.

Here the gradient goes from 2 to 84 with step 2.




\foreach \x in {2,4,...,84}
        \useasboundingbox[fill=black] (-8.2,-8.2) rectangle (8.2cm,8.2cm);
        \fill[fill=myyellow!\x] (0,0) circle (\Radius);


You need to use integers for the color fraction, and there is the option of using count for this very situation.




\foreach \Radius [count=\j] in {6.0, 6.05,...,8.0}
        \useasboundingbox[fill=black] (-8.2,-8.2) rectangle (8.2cm,8.2cm);
        \fill[fill=myyellow!\k] (0,0) circle (\Radius);


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