Image next to Equation

There are several possibilities. Perhaps the simplest is




or with align:






Instead of using a tabularenvironment to position the objects, there is also the possibility to make the graphics part of the math formula, for example like this:

\begin {aligned}
\vec{a} \bullet \vec{b}& = |\vec{a}| \cdot |\vec{b}| \cdot \cos(\phi) \\
                       & = a_x  \cdot b_x + a_y \cdot b_y + a_z \cdot b_z \\
            \cos(\phi) & =  \frac {\vec{a} \bullet \vec{b}}{|\vec{a}| \cdot  |\vec{b}|}\\
                       & = \frac {a_x  \cdot b_x + a_y \cdot b_y + a_z \cdot b_z}{\sqrt{a_x^2 + a_y2 + a_z^2}\sqrt{b_x^2 + b_y^2 + b_z^2}}
\end {aligned}
\raisebox{-15mm}{\includegraphics[keepaspectratio = true, scale = 1] {dotp.jpg}}

The \qquad is used to get some whitespace (2em) and \raisebox is only there is you have to adjust the picture vertically.