import android packages cannot be resolved

It seems that your eclipse-workspace (or at least your Project) is broken somehow.

Have you moved your android-sdk/Project recently? If it's not an Android Project anymore, try to look at Preferences->Android for a valid android sdk-location.

If this is correct, try to open a complete new Workspace, and import your sources with File->import->Android Project from existing Source.

If this still doesn't help, make a new android Project and copy the sources manually inside your Project from outside Eclipse. Re-open Eclipse after that, and make a Project->clean

What all the others said.

Specifically, I recommend you go to Project > Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries and make sure you have exactly one copy of android.jar referenced. (Sometimes you can get two if you're importing a project.) And that its path is correct.

Sometimes you can get the system to resolve this for you by clicking a different target SDK in Project > Properties > Android, then restoring your original selection.

right click on project->properties->android->select target name as "Android 4.4.2" --click ok

since DocumentsContract is added in API level 19