Import fixed width data file with no line separator
Maybe not the best idea but this should work:
content <- scan('filepath','character',sep='~') # Warning choose a sep not appearing in datas to get the whole file.
# Split content in lines:
lines <- regmatches(content,gregexpr('.{60}',content))[[1]]
x <- tempfile()
data <- read.fwf(x, widths = c(8,4,7,41))
The idea is to read the whole file, get each occurence of 60 chars into a single entry, write this to a tempfile, and read the data from this tempfile before deleting the temporary file.
Another approach is doable with regexes and package stringr
(still with content resulting from scan above):
d <- data.frame( str_match_all( content, "(.{8})(.{4})(.{7})(.{41})")[[1]][,2:5], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
which gives:
V1 V2 V3 V4
1 20141101 77h 3.210 0 3
2 20141102 76h 3.090 0 3
return a list, here with 1 element because there's only one line as input, so we remove it with [[1]]
Now the return is 5 columns, the first one being the full match, others being the capture groups so we subset the matrix on columns 2 to 5 to get only the 4 columns we need and wrap it in
to get a data.frame at end.
you can then name the columns with colnames(d) <- c('date','time','data_point','rest')
If you wish to clean up the white spaces you can wrap the str_extract_all result in trimws
(thanks to @jaap for the remind of this function) like this:
td <- data.frame( trimws( str_match_all( content, "(.{8})(.{4})(.{7})(.{41})")[[1]][,2:5] ), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
X1 X2 X3 X4
1 20141101 77h 3.210 0 3
2 20141102 76h 3.090 0 3
A different, and probably less elegant, solution with readLines
, substr
, trimws
, separate
(tidyr) and mutate_all
txt <- readLines('filepath')
dfx <- data.frame(V1 = sapply(seq(from=1, to=nchar(txt), by=60),
function(x) substr(txt, x, x+59)))
dfx %>%
separate(V1, c(paste0("V",LETTERS[1:5])), c(8,12,19,55)) %>%
which gives:
1 20141101 77h 3.210 0 3
2 20141102 76h 3.090 0 3
To get different column names , just replace c(paste0("V",LETTERS[1:5])
with a vector of columnnames you want.
If you want to transform the columns into the correct classes instead of into character
, you can use funs(ul = type.convert(trimws(.)))
inside mutate_all