Import passwords from LastPass to Firefox

Here is a simple python script to transform the export into import.csv file="Export.csv" print(""" "hostname","username","password","formSubmitURL","httpRealm","usernameField","passwordField" """ ) for line in open(file): l=line.split(',') first, rest = l[:1], l[1:] url=l[0] if url=="http://" : url = url + l[4] print('"'+url+'",'+'"'+l[1]+'",'+'"'+l[2]+'",'+ '"'+url+'",'+'"","",""')

(as the method Tools → Advanced Tools → Export To → Firefox seems to be gone.)

The LastPass add-on for Firefox has an option to do this. Choose ToolsAdvanced ToolsExport ToFirefox

enter image description here

Here is an up-to-date method answer:

Export from Lastpass:

  1. Open your Vault
  2. Click on the three dots (More Options) in the bottom left corner and then: Advanced > Export
  3. Save the .csv file

Import into Firefox Lockwise (source:

  1. Navigate to about:config in the Firefox URL bar
  2. Search for and ensure it is true
  3. Navigate to about:logins
  4. Click on the three dots on the top right corner of the page and then Import from a File...
  5. Select your file and follow the instructions and voilà!