In scala, how to turn object's values into Map[String, String]?
Yes it's possible. Since Scala 2.10 you can use reflection.
Assuming you have:
val test = Test(23423, "sdlkfjlsdk")
The following will get you what you want:
import reflect.runtime.universe._
import reflect.runtime.currentMirror
val r = currentMirror.reflect(test)
.collect{case s : TermSymbol if !s.isMethod => r.reflectField(s)}
.map(r => -> r.get.toString)
To simply iterate over field values of case class use .productIterator
on its instance.
The topic you are dealing with is becoming incredibly recurring on StackOverFlow and the problem is not trivial if you want to have a typesafe implementation.
One way to solve the problem is using reflection (as suggested) but I personally prefer using the type system and implicits.
There is a well-known library, developed by an extremely smart guy, who let you perform advanced operations such as turn any case class into a typesafe heterogeneous list, or create heteregeneous maps, which can be used to implement "extensible records". The library is called Shapeless, and here one example:
object RecordExamples extends App {
import shapeless._
import HList._
import Record._
object author extends Field[String] { override def toString = "Author" }
object title extends Field[String] { override def toString = "Title" }
object id extends Field[Int] { override def toString = "ID" }
object price extends Field[Double] { override def toString = "Price" }
object inPrint extends Field[Boolean] { override def toString = "In print" }
def printBook[B <: HList](b : B)(implicit tl : ToList[B, (Field[_], Any)]) = {
b.toList foreach { case (field, value) => println(field+": "+value) }
val book =
(author -> "Benjamin Pierce") ::
(title -> "Types and Programming Languages") ::
(id -> 262162091) ::
(price -> 44.11) ::
// Read price field
val currentPrice = book.get(price) // Static type is Double
println("Current price is "+currentPrice)
// Update price field, relying on static type of currentPrice
val updated = book + (price -> (currentPrice+2.0))
// Add a new field
val extended = updated + (inPrint -> true)
// Remove a field
val noId = extended - id
Book behaves like a typesafe map which can indexed using objects as keys. If you are interested in knowing more, a good entry point might be this post:
Are HLists nothing more than a convoluted way of writing tuples?