In Scala, is there a pre-existing library function for converting exceptions to Options?
Use scala.util.control.Exception:
import scala.util.control.Exception._
allCatch opt f
And you can make it more sophisticated. For example, to catch only arithmetic exceptions and retrieve the exception:
scala> catching(classOf[ArithmeticException]) either (2 / 0)
res5: Either[Throwable,Int] = Left(java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero)
Yes, you can take a look to the scala.util.control.Exception
object. Especially, the allCatch
As of scala 2.10, you can run your code (e.g. factory method) in a scala.util.Try and then convert it with toOption
import scala.util.Try
Try("foo".toInt).toOption // None
Try("7".toInt).toOption // Some(7)
Or translated to your original example:
val id: Option[UUID] = Try(UUID.fromString("this will produce None")).toOption