In XCUITests, how to wait for existence of either of two ui elements
Inspired by, you don't have to rely on XCTWaiter
. You can simply run a loop and test whether one of them exists.
/// Waits for either of the two elements to exist (i.e. for scenarios where you might have
/// conditional UI logic and aren't sure which will show)
/// - Parameters:
/// - elementA: The first element to check for
/// - elementB: The second, or fallback, element to check for
/// - Returns: the element that existed
func waitForEitherElementToExist(_ elementA: XCUIElement, _ elementB: XCUIElement) -> XCUIElement? {
let startTime = NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
while (!elementA.exists && !elementB.exists) { // while neither element exists
if (NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate - startTime > 5.0) {
XCTFail("Timed out waiting for either element to exist.")
if elementA.exists { return elementA }
if elementB.exists { return elementB }
return nil
then you could just do:
let foundElement = waitForEitherElementToExist(elementA, elementB)
if foundElement == elementA {
// e.g. if it's a button, tap it
} else {
// element B was found