Infinite loop with redux-saga
I know you found your answer, that's great. I had the same symptoms but a different problem and a different solution.
I am not using normal constants for my actions, I am using the constants from my actions so that I only need to write it in a single location. It's a setup I have. However I realised an issue today. My code looks like the following
export const deleteArendeAction = {
will: arende => ({
did: payload => ({
error: payload => ({
function* deleteArenden(arende) {
try {
yield arendeApi.deleteArende(
} catch (error) {
yield put(deleteArendeAction.error(arende))
yield put(deleteArendeAction.did(arende))
export function* deleteArendeSaga() {
yield takeEvery(deleteArendeAction.will().type, deleteArenden)
My code looks something like that.
It kept triggering my takeEvery infinitely.
It turns out, yield put(deleteArendeAction.did(arende))
this part was the culprit. Because the variable arende
had the value of { type: "WILL_TA_BORT_ARENDEN", ... }
which caused some sort of bug, triggering the event again.
Technically, that shouldn't happen I think? But it did.
So if you come across this question and the answer doesn't solve your problem. Then double-check what you send into your put
Of course, you explicitly set the infinite loop the next lines:
yield put({type: 'SHOW_DETAIL', response:})
// ...
yield takeEvery('SHOW_DETAIL', fetchDetailsAsync)
The saga doesn't do any magic things for you, and only is a preliminary layer of a subscription and generation on actions and executions coroutines.
You shall use different names for actions which you catch from React components, and actions which are used for optimistical and real up-dating of a status.
Use yield takeEvery('SHOW_DETAIL_REQUEST', fetchDetailsAsync)
and name your action in this manner.
Use yield put({type: 'SHOW_DETAIL_SUCCESS', response:})
in success response and name your reducer in this manner
More than that, you can use 'SHOW_DETAIL_FAILURE'
for failed saga request.
All names above are common-used case.