Inflation adjusted prices package?

There is a much simpler solution for acquiring the annual CPI (e.g., CPIAUCSL) that does not require use of the quantmod package, which seems to always have compatibility issues for one reason or another, at least in my experience.

require(lubridate) || install.packages("lubridate")
require(dplyr) || install.packages("dplyr")
monthly_cpi <-
             skip = 53, header = TRUE)
monthly_cpi$cpi_year <- year(monthly_cpi$DATE)
yearly_cpi <- monthly_cpi %.% group_by(cpi_year) %.% summarize(cpi = mean(VALUE))

Then, to create your adjustment factor relative to say, last year's prices:

yearly_cpi$adj_factor <- yearly_cpi$cpi/yearly_cpi$cpi[yearly_cpi$cpi_year == 2013]

You have to find out how many lines to skip, but then again, that causes you to actually look at the lines that are skipped by viewing the actual data source, which happens to have useful preamble information.


Thanks to @GSee (who gave the checked answer) for noting that there is a .csv version for which you need not skip any rows! Using this version, the code is:

require(lubridate) || install.packages("lubridate")
require(dplyr) || install.packages("dplyr")
monthly_cpi <-
  read.csv("", header = TRUE)
monthly_cpi$cpi_year <- year(monthly_cpi$DATE)
yearly_cpi <- monthly_cpi %.% group_by(cpi_year) %.% summarize(cpi = mean(VALUE))
yearly_cpi$adj_factor <- yearly_cpi$cpi/yearly_cpi$cpi[yearly_cpi$cpi_year == 2013]

Use priceR, like so:

prices <- rnorm(10, mean=10, sd=3)
years <- round(rnorm(10, mean=2006, sd=5))
df <- data.frame(years, nominal_prices)

df$in_2008_dollars <- adjust_for_inflation(prices, years, "US", to_date = 2008)

##    years nominal_prices in_2008_dollars
## 1   2012        8.31857         7.66782
## 2   2008        9.30947         9.30947
## 3   2008       14.67612        14.67612
## 4   2007       10.21153        10.60356
## 5   2003       10.38786        12.15782
## 6   2015       15.14519        13.26473
## 7   2008       11.38275        11.38275
## 8   1996        6.20482         8.51713
## 9   2010        7.93944         7.67319
## 10  2004        8.66301         9.87471


  • Example from here
  • This uses CPI data from World Bank
  • adjust_for_inflation() works for all countries. Use show_countries() for more info.

You can get CPI data from FRED using the FRED method of the getSymbols function in the quantmod package

getSymbols("CPIAUCSL", src='FRED') #Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items
#           CPIAUCSL
#2012-03-01  229.098
#2012-04-01  229.177
#2012-05-01  228.527
#2012-06-01  228.618
#2012-07-01  228.723
#2012-08-01  230.102

# make an `xts` object of prices
p <- xts(rnorm(63, mean=10, sd=3), seq(from=as.Date('1950-12-01'), by='years', length.out=63))
colnames(p) <- "price"

The CPI inflation calculator at the BLS

... uses the average Consumer Price Index for a given calendar year... For the current year, the latest monthly index value is used.

(For this answer, I'm going to ignore the second part of the above quote...)

So, calculate an annual average

avg.cpi <- apply.yearly(CPIAUCSL, mean)

Then divide all index levels by the base price to create a conversion factor

cf <- avg.cpi/as.numeric(avg.cpi['2008']) #using 2008 as the base year
dat <- merge(p, cf, all=FALSE)
dat$adj <- dat[, 1] * dat[, 2]

#               price  CPIAUCSL       adj
#2006-12-01  8.898336 0.9363693  8.332128
#2007-12-01  6.867596 0.9632483  6.615200
#2008-12-01 11.709159 1.0000000 11.709159
#2009-12-01  9.594836 0.9967933  9.564069
#2010-12-01 17.204853 1.0131453 17.431015
#2011-12-01  9.882280 1.0449769 10.326754
