Insert all data of a datagridview to database at once
I think the best way is by using TableAdapters rather than using Commands objects, its Update method sends all changes mades (Updates,Inserts and Deletes) inside a Dataset or DataTable straight TO the database. Usually when using a DataGridView you bind to a BindingSource which lets you interact with a DataSource such as Datatables or Datasets.
If you work like this, then on your bounded DataGridView you can just do:
The 'customersBindingSource' is the DataSource of the DataGridView.
The adapter's Update method will update a single data table and execute the correct command (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE) based on the RowState of each data row in the table.
So any changes made inside the DatagridView will be reflected on the Database when using the Update method.
More about TableAdapters:
If you move your for loop, you won't have to make multiple connections. Just a quick edit to your code block (by no means completely correct):
string StrQuery;
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnString))
using (SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand())
comm.Connection = conn;
for(int i=0; i< dataGridView1.Rows.Count;i++)
StrQuery= @"INSERT INTO tableName VALUES ("
+ dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells["ColumnName"].Text+", "
+ dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells["ColumnName"].Text+");";
comm.CommandText = StrQuery;
As to executing multiple SQL commands at once, please look at this link: Multiple statements in single SqlCommand
Please see if below can help you
Class Post_Sales
Public Shared Sub Post_sales()
Dim ITM_ID As Integer
Dim SLS_QTY As Integer
Dim SLS_PRC As Double
Dim SLS_AMT As Double
Dim DSPL_RCT As String
Dim TAX_CODE As Integer
'Format the current date and send it to a textbox
Form1.TextBox6.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString((" yyyy-MM-dd"))
'Open Connection
Dim con As New SqlConnection("Initial Catalog=Your Database here;Data source=.;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;User ID=sa;Password=")
'Insert Records into the database
For Each rw As DataGridViewRow In Form1.DataGridView1.Rows
ITM_ID = rw.Cells("Column1").Value
DSPL_RCT = rw.Cells("Column2").Value
SLS_QTY = rw.Cells("Column3").Value
SLS_PRC = rw.Cells("Column4").Value
SLS_AMT = rw.Cells("Column5").Value
TAX_CODE = rw.Cells("Column6").Value
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO DAY_PLUSALES (DT,ITM_ID,DSPL_RCT,SLS_QTY,SLS_PRC,SLS_AMT,TAX_CODE) values ('" & Form1.TextBox6.Text & "','" & ITM_ID & "','" & DSPL_RCT & "','" & SLS_QTY & "','" & SLS_PRC & "','" & SLS_AMT & "','" & TAX_CODE & "')", con)
MessageBox.Show("Records Added to the SQL Database successfully!", "Records Updated ")
End Sub
End Class