Insert \rule in \tabularx?

I believe you want to fill out the space with the lines and also to give more room for the questions.

\usepackage[a4paper, total={18cm, 25cm}]{geometry}




  \prg_replicate:nn { #2-1 }



\textbf{Question} & \textbf{Answer} \\
\lipsum[1][1] & \notes{3}\\
foo & \notes{1}\\


enter image description here

You can still call \notes[20pt]{3} if you want to leave more space between the lines.

As already mentioned in a comment, you can't use \\ to sart a new line here. I have therefore replaced the \\ with \newline in your definition of \notes. I have also slightly changed the order of some commands in order to allow for more space above the first line. Lastly, I have also added an example using tabular and placing the \notes command in a p type column as well as a tabularx example with an X type column:

enter image description here

\usepackage[a4paper, total={18cm, 25cm}]{geometry}
\usepackage{pgffor, ifthen}

    \foreach \n in {1,...,#2}{%
            {\rule{#3}{0.5pt}\newline}  %<---- replaced \\ with \newline here
            {\hspace{0pt}\newline\rule{#3}{0.5pt}\vspace{#1}} % <---- removed  \\ at the end of the line and placed  \hspace{0pt}\newline in the beginning 

    \textbf{Question} & \textbf{Answer} \\
    foo & \notes[10pt]{3}{5cm}\\
    foo & \notes[10pt]{1}{5cm}\\

    \textbf{Question} & \textbf{Answer} \\
    foo & \notes[10pt]{3}{5cm}\\
    foo & \notes[10pt]{1}{5cm}\\