Install Older Version of Laravel using Composer

either update your composer.json to what GregD mentioned or fetch it directly with

composer create-project laravel/laravel your-project-name 4.0.*

prefer this, as there can be some caveats when getting version 4.1 and wanting to downgrade (or even upgrade).

Finally it works, I just did four things:

composer create-project laravel/laravel mobilebanking 4.0

Change "dev" to "stable" in composer.json

Then run

composer self-update

After that, run this command

composer update --no-scripts

composer create–project laravel/laravel MiProyecto 5.3.*  o  
composer create–project laravel/laravel=5.3.* MiProyecto

Browse packagist - Find version you need and add it to composer i.e.

"require": {
    "laravel/laravel": "v4.0.0",


Laravel 4