Installation of AnkhSVN Visual Studio 2019

Looks like it doesn't support VS2019 by default. But you can try to update extension for VS2019.

  1. Rename vsix to zip
  2. Unzip
  3. Open extension.vsixmanifest, manifest.json and catalog.json and for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor change version to [15.0,)
  4. Open extension.vsixmanifest and also replace all [15.0,16.0) by [15.0,17.0)
  5. Zip all files
  6. Rename to vsix

The latest AnkhSVN version is not compatible with Visual Studio 2019 (and the project, unfortunately, seems dead).

A possible solution is to edit manually the files stored in the vsix file (it's a zip file with a different extension).

The file to edit are:

  • extension.vsixmanifest
    Change the occurance of [15.0,16.0) to [15.0,17.0)
    Change the prerequisite in this way:
    <Prerequisite Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor" Version="[15.0,)" DisplayName="Visual Studio core editor" />

  • catalog.json
    search Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor and change the version to "[15.0,)"

  • manifest.json
    search Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor and change the version to "[15.0,)" as the catalog.json

After these changes it's possible to install the extension in VS2019 but still open a warning shown by VS related an incompatibility of the load process (AnkhSVN use a synchronous load, VS2019 want an async load).

I have made a fork of the AnkhSVN project and published a version on Visual Studio Marketplace as AnkhSVN2019.

This version targets only Visual Studio 2019.

The page on the Visual Studio Marketplace is here:

You can also find it by searching the Visual Studio Marketplace in Visual Studio.

The project is on GitHub here:

As far as I can tell it is working correctly, but that is based on a small number of systems, and I only use a subset of the features.

Support for Visual Studio 2022

My fork of AnkhSVN does not support Visual Studio 2022, but there is a version in the GitHub repository from the original developers of AnkhSVN.

As of 4-December-2021, this version is not available in the Visual Studio Marketplace, but you can download the package from the releases page on GitHub.

As of 4-December-2021, the download link for the current version is,
but there may now be a newer version.