Installation of AnkhSVN Visual Studio 2019
Looks like it doesn't support VS2019 by default. But you can try to update extension for VS2019.
- Rename vsix to zip
- Unzip
- Open extension.vsixmanifest, manifest.json and catalog.json and for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor change version to [15.0,)
- Open extension.vsixmanifest and also replace all [15.0,16.0) by [15.0,17.0)
- Zip all files
- Rename to vsix
The latest AnkhSVN version is not compatible with Visual Studio 2019 (and the project, unfortunately, seems dead).
A possible solution is to edit manually the files stored in the vsix file (it's a zip file with a different extension).
The file to edit are:
Change the occurance of [15.0,16.0) to [15.0,17.0)
Change the prerequisite in this way:<Prerequisite Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor" Version="[15.0,)" DisplayName="Visual Studio core editor" />
search Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor and change the version to "[15.0,)"manifest.json
search Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor and change the version to "[15.0,)" as the catalog.json
After these changes it's possible to install the extension in VS2019 but still open a warning shown by VS related an incompatibility of the load process (AnkhSVN use a synchronous load, VS2019 want an async load).
I have made a fork of the AnkhSVN project and published a version on Visual Studio Marketplace as AnkhSVN2019.
This version targets only Visual Studio 2019.
The page on the Visual Studio Marketplace is here:
You can also find it by searching the Visual Studio Marketplace in Visual Studio.
The project is on GitHub here:
As far as I can tell it is working correctly, but that is based on a small number of systems, and I only use a subset of the features.
Support for Visual Studio 2022
My fork of AnkhSVN does not support Visual Studio 2022, but there is a version in the GitHub repository from the original developers of AnkhSVN.
As of 4-December-2021, this version is not available in the Visual Studio Marketplace, but you can download the package from the releases page on GitHub.
As of 4-December-2021, the download link for the current version is,
but there may now be a newer version.