Integrate Postman test scripts with Jenkins build server

Final solution was :

1) Add build step "Execute Windows batch command" and add two lines below:

2) change dir to newman\bin:

  cd \Users\bob\appdata\roaming\npm\node_modules\newman\bin

3) run node newman as opposed to simply trying to run newman

  node newman -c "C:\\Users\\bob\\Documents\\POSTMAN Files\\Workbench-API-Collection.json"

The two tricky parts were:

1) running newman like this newman -c myCollection.json was not working, as Jenkins could not resolve this node module as it would in a straight Win cmd prompt.

2) Trying to locate the Newman module was difficult, as it's hidden inside %appdata% folder (i.e. c:\users\bob\$appdata$ ).

I hope this helps someone in the future.

good luck.

Run command "which newman" in command prommpt. It will return something like - /c/Users/user1/AppData/Roaming/npm/newman

Now use fully qualified path returned by above mentioned command in Jenkins windows batch command box -

c:/Users/user1/AppData/Roaming/npm/newman -c demo.postman_collection.json

Integrate Postman with Jenkins on Windows Machine

Step #1 : Download Jenkins on your local windows machine .

URL to Download Jenkins :-- After successful download enter :- http://localhost:8080 Step #2 : Enter the name of the project and click on Freestyle project and save . screen 1

Step #3 : PostmanScriptTest2 job gets created and under source code management >build > click on execute windows batch command. screen 2

Step #3: Type in command under Execute Windows batch Command

C:\Users\ashish\AppData\Roaming\npm\newman run

Click on save and apply. screen3

Step #4: Go to Jenkins Home Page and click on Manage Jenkins

screen4 Step #5 : Under manage Jenkins click on configure System .


Step #6 : Under Global Properties > check on environmental variables and enter

Name - PATH

Value - C:\Program Files\Nodejs screen 6

Step #7 : Under Shell , shell executable type in C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe and click on save and apply .
