IntelliJ - Can't start - "JAVA_HOME does not point to a valid JVM installation"

The java and javac executables are using the PATH environment variable, while intelliJ is using JAVA_HOME variable. Remove the additional quotation marks in your JAVA_HOME value.

It might shows that your path to the jdk installation directory is hard coded in the PATH, rather then using %JAVA_HOME%.

In my case, the issue was that JAVA_HOME was pointing to a path upto /bin folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_91\bin\) - while Eclipse accepts this, IntelliJ does not.

Updating to JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_91 resolved the issue.

The problem will almost certainly be with the quotation marks around your JAVA_HOME path. Remove those and see if it works. If not, then I would recommend only putting your JDK installations under the root and with no spaces in them. I tend to put them in C:\JDK\1.8.0_65, etc. It makes referencing them far easier and you don't have to worry about quotation marks to protect spaces like you do with "Program Files".