Interlocked.CompareExchange<Int> using GreaterThan or LessThan instead of equality

You can build other atomic operations out of InterlockedCompareExchange.

public static bool InterlockedExchangeIfGreaterThan(ref int location, int comparison, int newValue)
    int initialValue;
        initialValue = location;
        if (initialValue >= comparison) return false;
    while (System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref location, newValue, initialValue) != initialValue);
    return true;

With these helper methods you can not only exchange value but also detect was it replaced or not.

Usage looks like this:

int currentMin = 10; // can be changed from other thread at any moment

int potentialNewMin = 8;
if (InterlockedExtension.AssignIfNewValueSmaller(ref currentMin, potentialNewMin))
    Console.WriteLine("New minimum: " + potentialNewMin);

And here are methods:

public static class InterlockedExtension
    public static bool AssignIfNewValueSmaller(ref int target, int newValue)
        int snapshot;
        bool stillLess;
            snapshot = target;
            stillLess = newValue < snapshot;
        } while (stillLess && Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref target, newValue, snapshot) != snapshot);

        return stillLess;

    public static bool AssignIfNewValueBigger(ref int target, int newValue)
        int snapshot;
        bool stillMore;
            snapshot = target;
            stillMore = newValue > snapshot;
        } while (stillMore && Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref target, newValue, snapshot) != snapshot);

        return stillMore;

What do you think about this implementation:

// this is a Interlocked.ExchangeIfGreaterThan implementation
private static void ExchangeIfGreaterThan(ref long location, long value)
    // read
    long current = Interlocked.Read(ref location);
    // compare
    while (current < value)
        // set
        var previous = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref location, value, current);
        // if another thread has set a greater value, we can break
        // or if previous value is current value, then no other thread has it changed in between
        if (previous == current || previous >= value) // note: most commmon case first
        // for all other cases, we need another run (read value, compare, set)
        current = Interlocked.Read(ref location);