Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths - why?

Because Stage is required, all one-to-many relationships where Stage is involved will have cascading delete enabled by default. It means, if you delete a Stage entity

  • the delete will cascade directly to Side
  • the delete will cascade directly to Card and because Card and Side have a required one-to-many relationship with cascading delete enabled by default again it will then cascade from Card to Side

So, you have two cascading delete paths from Stage to Side - which causes the exception.

You must either make the Stage optional in at least one of the entities (i.e. remove the [Required] attribute from the Stage properties) or disable cascading delete with Fluent API (not possible with data annotations):

    .HasRequired(c => c.Stage)

    .HasRequired(s => s.Stage)

I had a table that had a circular relationship with others and i was getting the same error. Turns out it is about the foreign key which was not nullable. If key is not nullable related object must be deleted and circular relations doesnt allow that. So use nullable foreign key.

public virtual Stage Stage { get; set; }
public int? StageId { get; set; }

Anybody wondering how to do it in EF core:

      protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
                foreach (var relationship in modelBuilder.Model.GetEntityTypes().SelectMany(e => e.GetForeignKeys()))
                    relationship.DeleteBehavior = DeleteBehavior.Restrict;
           ..... rest of the code.....