Invalid cookie header : Unable to parse expires attribute when expires attribute is empty

If you do not mind altering the CookieSpec you can supply your own, more lenient, subclass.

First, create a lenient CookieSpec that will accept null and empty values for the expires attribute, like this:

class LenientCookieSpec extends BrowserCompatSpec {
    public LenientCookieSpec() {
        registerAttribHandler(ClientCookie.EXPIRES_ATTR, new BasicExpiresHandler(DATE_PATTERNS) {
            @Override public void parse(SetCookie cookie, String value) throws MalformedCookieException {
                if (TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
                    // You should set whatever you want in cookie
                } else {
                    super.parse(cookie, value);

Now you need to register & choose this new CookieSpec in your HTTP client.

DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
client.getCookieSpecs().register("lenient", new CookieSpecFactory() {
        public CookieSpec newInstance(HttpParams params) {
            return new LenientCookieSpec();
HttpClientParams.setCookiePolicy(client.getParams(), "lenient");

Something "like this" could work for you.