Ionic create new application getting stuck
I'm having the exact same issue.
As soon as you create a new app it will ask you if you want to target Android and IOS, Selecting y/n does not work and typing Yes or No does not work either.
I've cleared the Cache using npm cache clean --force and I'm still getting stuck here.
After uninstalling Node.js, npm, Ionic and Cordova I reinstalled everything again as the official documentation shows, but my terminal is still freezing. I've also tried Different terminals such as Windows power shell, CMD and Visual Studio Code.
I'm running Windows 10 with build 1709, Not sure if the issue could be related to this?
Ionic Version - 3.20.0 Cordova Version - 8.0.0 Node Version - 10.5.0
EDIT: - I've resolved the issue.
I uninstalled my Node.Js Version 10.5.0. I then Installed Node.Js LTS Which is version 8.11.3 and it worked great.
Here's the link:
Hope this helps!
Late to the party, but another solution I found was to run with the --no-interactive