iOS 8 action extension icon is blank on device (works in simulator)

I had the same problem. What worked for me was to follow Tom Harrington's answer, but then also make sure the 'Target Membership' (right side pane) of the extension icons includes both the extension target AND the app target. (Under Build Phases, it should be listed under Copy Bundle Resources for both targets as well.)

Also, note that your extension icons must have a fully transparent background, NOT solid white. Any white, or any colour other than transparent, will be rendered as solid dark grey.

Hope this helps. Sorry, I wanted to add this as a comment to Tom's answer, but Stack Overflow wouldn't let me because of my reputation.

You didn't mention the extension's Info.plist settings, so I assume you didn't include an entry for the icon file. You'll need to add a key named NSExtensionServiceToolbarIconFile in the NSExtensionAttributes dictionary. The value is the name of the icon file.

At least that's how it's supposed to work. In practice it seems that you currently need to have a top-level CFBundleIconFile key with the icon's name. Supposedly that's only used if NSExtensionServiceToolbarIconFile isn't present, but at least for now it's necessary. I have both, which is probably not necessary, but I'd prefer to leave the key that's documented as being correct in place in case it starts working at some point.

EDIT: Apple Fixed this issue in iOS8.1!

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I think at this point, the answer is to submit a bug report to Apple at

If you can submit your barebones example project, that will help our cause!

Here's the one that I submitted:

Summary: The action extension icon shows well from Messages, and the UIActivityViewController, but when it appears from the Photos App, the icon is blank.

I think this is a bug with the Apple Photos App

Steps to Reproduce: Follow these instructions but from the Photos App

Expected Results: Expect the Metadata Extension's icon to appear correctly as in

Actual Results: The icon is pure white

Version: iOS 8.0.2, iOS 8.0.0

Notes: iOS 8 action extension icon is blank on device (works in simulator)

Here is an example of using my extension from Messages App, with the icon showing correctly: But doing these steps from Apple's photos app, results in the icon not showing correctly.

Configuration: Any iOS device running iOS8. iPad 3rd Gen, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 6 Plus


Edit: They closed it as a duplicate of ID: Ticket ID: 17208813 Progress!