Is it normal for compiz to consume 40% of my CPU with no other programs running?

I had the same problem that the CPU load went up to 70%~80% and that upset me for a long time after upgrading to 12.04 from 10.04.

And reset compiz settings to default or remove the ~/.compiz-1 & ~/.config/compiz-1 folders didn't work.

But after I uncheck the "Sync to VBlank" box under OpenGL in ccsm (CompizConfig Settings Manager), the CPU load drop to 1% immediately.

Hope this will help you and other guys...

Sorry for my poor expression (I'm a student from china).

Edit: As of Ubuntu 12.10 this is no longer an option, as Unity-2D was dropped with quantal.

I have the same issues with cpu usage because of compiz. My workaround was to switch session from Ubuntu to Ubuntu 2D.

ubuntu 2d

Had the same problem. Compiz constantly at around 40% (AMD CPU, ATI 58xx, 12.04). Then i followed this post and CPU utilization dropped below 10%. Hope it helps.

EDIT with instuctions:

Just backup (rename) ~/.compiz-1 and ~/.config/compiz-1 directories and let them to be created again with the default settings (you'll need to logout and login back again).

mv ~/.compiz-1 ~/.compiz-1.BACKUP
mv ~/.config/compiz-1 ~/config/.compiz-1.BACKUP

After having restarted and confirmed that everything works as expected, you can simply remove these backups (unless you have a use for them).

rm -Rfv ~/.compiz-1.BACKUP
rm -Rfv ~/config/.compiz-1.BACKUP

It helps to do a unity --reset also