Is it possible to get the Standard Field "Name" increased form 80 characters lenght to a greater legth by Salesforce Support?

No - it is not possible to increase the Name field from 80 chars. I raised a case with Salesforce Support regarding this, as I was curious. The response is below:

Currently, this is not yet possible as it is a limitation of the coding. But our Research and Development Team is welcome to future changes and additional capabilities to our Standard Features.

The most possible thing that we can do as of this moment is to vote on this in the community board. I strongly suggest that you and users from your Organization vote on this idea. Here's a link where you can vote and promote this functionality already requested by other users as well:

Increase Name field length from 80 to 255

Having said that, we'll now temporarily close your case for now to avoid sending you additional requests for updates. However, please be assured that you can re-open the case anytime if you still require assistance. You may also create a new case and we'll be happy to assist you.