Is it possible to make a curly brace end in an arrow?
One way is to redefine decoration with this option in place or you can nest decorations with an arrowhead added as a markings
% with \usetikzlibrary{decorations.markings} in the preamble
decoration={markings,mark=at position 1 with {\arrow[blue]{>}}}
decorate[decoration={brace,amplitude=10pt}]{ (0,0.7) to (10,0.7)};
You can also butcher the existing decoration and cancel the last curvy part
\pgfdeclaredecoration{half brace}{brace}
\state{brace}[width=+\pgfdecoratedremainingdistance,next state=final]
If you place it in your preamble you can use it with half brace
just as you would use regular brace
\draw [decorate,decoration={half brace,amplitude=10pt}] (0,0.7) to (10,0.7);
A dirty way to straighten out the end.
\draw [->] (0,0) -- (10,0);
\draw (0,0.2) -- (0,-0.2);
\draw (1.5,0.2) -- (1.5,-0.2);
\draw (3,0.2) -- (3,-0.2);
\draw (4.5,0.2) -- (4.5,-0.2);
\node [below] at (0,-0.2) {0};
\node [below] at (1.5,-0.2) {1};
\node [below] at (3,-0.2) {2};
\node [below] at (4.5,-0.2) {3};
\node [above] at (1.6,0.2) {\$1500};
\node [above] at (3,0.2) {\$1500};
\node [above] at (4.5,0.2) {\$1500};
\clip(9, 1.5) rectangle (-1, -0.5);
\draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=10pt}] (0,0.7) to (10,0.7);
\draw[->] ([yshift=5pt]9, 0.7) -- ([yshift=5pt]10,0.7);
\node at (5,1.2) {simple ordinary annuity};
\node at (4,1.8) {$j_1=6\%$};
which produces:
Is this what you want?
Along the lines of percusse's answer, you could do something like
\clip (0,0.0) rectangle(9.5,2.0);
\draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=10pt}] (0,0.7) to (10,0.7);
\path[postaction=decorate,decoration={markings,mark=at position 0.95 with {\arrow{>}}}] decorate[decoration={brace,amplitude=10pt}] { (0,0.7) to (10,0.7)};