Is it possible to set a maximum node width in TikZ
Although there's no maximum size
key, you can use text width
(and also possibly inner sep
) to get the desired result:
\documentclass[tikz, border=10]{standalone}
inner sep=0pt,
text width=6mm,
\node (9) at (0,0) [mystyle] {9};
\node (10) at (1,0) [mystyle] {10};
The result:
Another option would have been to choose a larger value for minimum size
, such as minimum size=8mm
I changed the old \tikzstyle
syntax for the more appropriate \tikzset
. syntax.
An alternative solution could be to fix a minimum size
, but to write
node's contents with a centered label. labels
are drawn with a postaction
and they don't influence on node's size:
\documentclass[tikz, border=10]{standalone}
\tikzstyle{mystyle}=[circle,minimum size=6mm,draw=black,fill=white]
\node[mystyle] (9) at (0,0) {9};
\node[mystyle, label=center:10] (10) at (1,0) {};
\node[mystyle, label=center:100] (100) at (2,0) {};
\node[mystyle, label=center:1000] (1000) at (3,0) {};