Is it possible to use a TikZ matrix along a chain?

The nodes on the chains are named as (chainname-#) but this naming scheme is not provided to the matrix (seems like a bug). So the safest way is to name your matrix nodes on the chain explicitly.

\begin{tikzpicture}[start chain]
  \node [on chain] {XYZ};
  \node [on chain] {123};
  \node [on chain,matrix of nodes]  (chain-3) {    A \\    B \\    C \\  };
  \node [on chain] {$\alpha\beta\gamma$};

enter image description here

I ran into the same issue, and I worked around it by putting the matrix inside a nested tikzpicture i.e.



\begin{tikzpicture}[start chain]
  \node [on chain] {XYZ};

  \node [on chain] {
        \node {A}; \\
        \node {B}; \\
        \node {C}; \\
  \node [on chain] {123};
