Is the conference "ICCTCEEC" a scam?

The website has a button that says "IEEE proof", whatever that is supposed to mean, which seems like the equivalent of a folder on your computer named "definitely not porn". Understand: they're trying suspiciously hard to use their (alleged) IEEE affiliation as a marker of legitimacy and quality.

Follow that link and enjoy that delightful prose:

"We believe education is our motherhood and research is our motto. Our intention is to collaborate innovative brains at one place. So, here we are with "International Conference on Current Trends in Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communication" (ICCTCEEC) platform to share, learn and discuss. We guarantee your pleasure because our city itself mean you what are we."

Let's say the intentions of the people who committed that website are not fraudulent that's still incredibly sloppy and careless not to have it proofread. Seeing this, I would doubt that anything else about that conference can be worth your time and money.

By the way, IEEE affiliation, even if legit, doesn't mean the conference is good or not spam.

The usual advice in these cases: consult with your supervisor and colleagues. There is typically a rather small number (~5) of conferences worthy of attending per field and any half-serious researcher knows which these are.

Registration of the conference with IEEE (i.e., 2017 International Conference on Current Trends in Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communication (CTCEEC)) is a good sign that it is not an outright scam. However, I note that the conference is sponsored by the Bangalore Section but I couldn't find it on their website which is troubling. Within the IEEE community this tends to imply that the section is treating the conference as a very low priority so quality control may also be quite low. Thus, while I doubt the conference is an outright scam, it likely will not stand out much more than a research colloquium for graduate students at a given university on a CV.

To elaborate a bit more on sponsorship, generally high profile conferences are sponsored by international societies (e.g., IEEE Computational Intelligence Society sponsors the Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence) and the conferences tend to have competitive peer review take place. Generally you will want to know what major societies in your field are and limit attendance to their conferences.